FARHI Jean-Claude

FARHI Jean-Claude (1940-2012)

Jean-Claude Farhi was born in Paris on February 11, 1940.
In 1957, he moved to Nice, where he took drawing lessons at the Nice Decorative Arts where he met the principal artists of the Nice School: Ben, Gilli Alocco, Malaval ... and the new realists Arman and Raysse , Which make him know the critic Pierre Restany. In 1965/1966, he worked on the "Motorcolors", then the sculpture in plexiglass or metal. He works for a while with Caesar.

Since 1968 (exhibition Gallery Iris Clert), he devotes himself mainly to sculptures in plexiglass, direction in which will develop his work with monumental works. His last monumental metal sculpture was installed in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, at the crossroads of the roads towards the center of the village and the Fondation Maeght.